Finally having a spare minute, I will now attempt to more completely and coherently recap what can only be described as a seriously misguided usage of time, energy, and money. I spent $40 on tickets, $25 on various forms of caffeine, more than $100 on gas, put 2,200 miles on my car, lost 20+ hours of sleep, consumed, aside from one delicious meal at the Bar-B-Que Shop, enough trash to fill a landfill, and likely failed a test today as a result of the studying that did not happen this weekend. That being said, I did gain an experience that I will never forget, have a story that should give me at least a week’s worth of small-talk, and learned to drive in the snow. In this post, I am going to try to answer the question that my good friend Jenny Wilkes keeps asking me: “Was it worth it?”
This is one that cannot be undervalued. As a second-semester Sophomore enrolled in 18 hours, 15 of which are either major or minor courses, sleep has become a rare commodity for me recently. I have had no other option but to let one of the big three usages of my time(social, school, and sleep) suffer so far this year, and, unfortunately, sleep has been the major casualty. Losing my typical 10 hours a night on the weekend has hurt me, and I haven’t had a chance to make that up yet.
I’m currently single, so I don’t have to pay for a Valentine’s day present, dinner, show, etc this weekend. I spent that yearly expense on my current irrational love interest, the Grizzlies, and while, as with my last sweetheart, it looks like this relationship could ultimately end with my being heart-breakingly left and sent into a funk for a semester, I have to do everything I can to let them know that I’m here, I care about them, I want them to stay, and I will drive 36 hours in a car just to be with them. While every one of my economics profs might disagree with my logic, I’m viewing this one as a sunk cost.
This one really stings, maybe not the best decision on my part to drive a couple thousand miles through the snow in the car that I’m counting on lasting me into my 30’s. If Jumpstop weren’t the cheapest person on the planet, this wouldn’t have been an issue. I’m not backing down next time, we’re taking his car.
20 cookies, Culver’s(Home of the Butter Burger, a huge benefit of driving through Wisconsin), untold cups of coffee and coke, Snus enough to give me cancer, a couple honey buns, and stadium food. I may never recover. My once svelte figure is now bulging. Of course I’m kidding, I’m still more ripped than Vernon Davis. Seriously though, I’m starting to look like Rex Ryan, and this trip didn’t help. Big negative.

It’s never a good sign when you don’t know what you’re being asked to find, and it’s an even worse sign when you don’t know what you’re trying to find, but somehow manage to finish the test 30 minutes before the rest of the class. I may need to re-evaluate my whole life-plan of going to Owen to get my CPA. I’m about to drop Managerial Accounting like Hasheem Thabeet drops entry passes.
Small Talk
People are asking me about the trip, laughing with me about the trip(maybe it’s more just laughing at me), calling me stupid for making the trip, and ladies are wanting me for taking the trip(that’s a lie). All-in-all, it’s given me something to talk about, complain about, and blame my academic shortcomings on. I now have a story that doesn’t involve my keeping Ryan Nyberg from killing himself or others(if you don’t go to Vanderbilt, you don’t know what that means, I’m sorry), so I’m happy about this.
This is almost more depressing than good at this point, but I did get to hear Jumpstop and Michael Edwards(you got mentioned, happy?) talk smack to Marc Gasol about Lausanne, and any chance to further MUS arrogance is a cause for celebration. We’ll call this a wash as I saw two losses.
As the weather has forgotten that Memphis and Nashville are both in God’s Land, the Great American South, this might come in handy this winter. Driving through heavy snowfall has given me experience that will serve me for a lifetime. Also, the adrenaline rush of almost sliding into the median while passing an 18-wheeler at 3 AM is one that I’m not soon to forget or regret. It was pretty fun. Big plus here.
I love Wisconsin. I’m very German, and it’s very German. I love dairy and greasy food, and that’s all that they produce. It is its own separate country, it has its own laws, it has nice people. I would trade Florida to the North in a second to get their cheese and Culver’s. Sweet place. Maybe I could never really live all the way up there, but I could see myself spending an extended period of time with Sconnie’s big, blonde citizens at some point in my life. Weighs out the failed test. There are plenty of tests, but how many times in my life year am I going to go to Wisconsin?
Keep living the Grizzlife in these hard times. They'll turn things around, I believe in 'em, so should you.
Big Shot Bob
I support trading Florida to the north. Great post Big Shot Bob. You never fail to come through in the clutch