
Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Zach Randolph Drug Story, Day 2

Less than 24 hours after an Indianapolis news station reported that Grizzlies forward Zach Randolph was implicated in a recent drug bust, Randolph, and Grizzlies GM Chris Wallace, responded with official statements claiming innocence and a commitment to the Memphis community. These two statements follow reports that the initial story as reported last night was not entirely true.

In a statement released to the media Thursday afternoon, Randolph claimed that he "was not involved in any of the allegations" brought forth by Channel 6 News in Indianapolis. Furthermore, he noted that the "IMPD made an official statement around 6p EST stating that I am not a suspect in any current narcotics investigation." Throughout the statement, Randolph emphasized that he has learned lessons from his past mistakes and has worked hard to rebuild his public image. The full statement can be viewed here.

Zach, I truly do want to believe you. I believe that you have worked hard to repair your once-tarnished image and I believe that you fully demonstrated that commitment throughout the past season. Do I believe you? Mostly. I doubt that you had anything to do with drug dealing or the financing of drug dealing. That said, I believe that you have friends with cars and houses in the past. When those friends get caught up in illegal activity, you are going to be questioned, regardless of whether or not you were involved.

In a bland, by-the-books statement, Memphis GM Chris Wallace declined to comment on the ongoing investigation but stressed that Randolph has been a valuable contributor to the team and to the community. His statement can be viewed here.

What does all of this mean? It sounds like the initial allegations were way too broad and that Randolph legitimately was not involved in any illegal activity. Did he know of any illegal activity? That remains to be seen. For now, Randolph is essentially in the clear and can get back to focusing on basketball. Good.

Stay tuned to GrizzLife,

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