
Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Draft: It's Here

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard Flight 2010 of Grizzlies Airlines. This is your captain, Michael Heisley, speaking. Assisting me in the cockpit today is GM Chris Wallace. Before we depart, please make sure you have checked all preconceived notions about the Memphis Grizzlies and have stowed all personal vendettas against myself and the co-pilot. We have evaluated many destinations and will be prepared to choose the right one. We've got this flight under control (I hope). While we're waiting to take off, I would like to apologize for last year's flight. For some inexplicable reason, we flew all the way to Tanzania when we should have just stayed in Memphis (or maybe flown to Italy). And don't worry about that detour to Missouri, either; that's in the past. We're using this flight to get better immediately.

I want to let you know that we're the 12th plane in line to take off, although that could change by tonight. We're also slotted at 25th and 28th, but I'm hoping to trade those positions for something better. I don't know if some of you heard a rumor in the terminal last night about our sending Zach Randolph to the Minnesota flight team in exchange for Al Jefferson, but those talks are now dead. However, we still might work something out with them regarding our positions.

I'm getting different signals from the control tower about our first stop today, ladies and gentlemen. Depending on where the other planes go, we might fly to Kentucky to pick up Patrick Patterson, out to Kansas to get Xavier Henry or to Texas for Damion James. Indications are that a plane before us will have already been to Fresno to add Paul George, but you never know. There are 6 or 7 destinations on the radar right now.

GrizzAir has interviewed all four, as well as many other candidates, and they were all very impressive. Patterson can contribute right away and reminds many in the business of a seasoned flight attendant. Henry would really aid us on our longer flights; as a crew, we only reached 34% of our long-range destinations last season. While with Kansas, he reached 42% of his. After an impressive emergency interview yesterday, we think James could also work for the team. He has all the physical tools to be a great contributor, but questions linger about whether or not he can channel those tools into basketball success. George can fill a couple different roles for us; he can be our #2 man (as he proved in his interview) or could play the #3 spot if passenger-favorite Rudy Gay leaves.

As a reminder, flights are going to be trading and shuffling all night. There's no telling who will get picked up where. The only sure thing is that the Washington flight has already landed in Kentucky and will pick up John Wall. Regardless, wherever we land, we will be a better team next year. We might even be one of the 16 teams who qualify for flights after the regular flight season. We have to stay optimistic.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's time. If you could, please turn on any cell phones, laptops or HD-TV's you may have. For your entertainment, our in-flight movie today is made by ESPN. Prepare to be overwhelmed as co-hosts Stuart Scott and Jay Bilas guide you through the evening's flights. I'm now getting word from the control tower that we're about to begin, so if you could please fasten your seatbelts, we'll be ready to go.

See you when we land,

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